This site runs Weblate for translating the software projects listed below. You need to be signed in to translate, otherwise you can only make suggestions.

Project Translated Unfinished Unfinished words Unfinished characters Untranslated Checks Suggestions Comments
anaconda 59% 731,907 4,918,897 31,447,262 683,038 41,722 115,970 29
anaconda-webui 39% 11,435 57,649 375,282 6,845 1,312 1,658 4
blivet 67% 8,617 60,806 394,745 8,359 877 1,061 5
candlepin 51% 15,390 129,745 784,549 14,346 1,024 833 5
cockpit 65% 48,447 204,509 1,249,872 43,105 1,693 5,857 15
cockpit-files 77% 558 1,670 9,988 513 27 196 1
dnf 52% 96,968 606,800 3,962,325 94,791 3,503 12,027 19
dnf5 76% 3,800 29,600 189,741 3,647 186 679 7
fedora-docs-l10n/fedora 40% 28,649 475,869 3,367,358 28,543 1,592 4,321 7
fedora-docs-l10n/fedora-install-guide 18% 483,707 10,378,751 73,849,756 483,422 9,654 77,987 4
fedora-docs-l10n/fedora-release-notes 27% 108,477 1,717,069 12,490,771 108,349 2,732 7,726 6
fedora-docs-l10n/quick-docs 11% 129,517 1,952,139 13,842,709 129,105 983 3,923 2
fedora-websites-3.0 49% 33,970 444,727 2,956,737 33,924 1,630 5,837 197
freeipa 41% 225,450 3,063,282 21,226,093 194,555 14,827 14,560 1
guix 14% 695,123 12,914,151 90,321,584 656,494 15,155 8,241 77
libguestfs 21% 206,187 2,301,295 16,848,712 204,567 12,904 5,280 1
libvirt 34% 339,285 2,318,098 14,700,736 251,857 27,508 13,448 5
python-meh 88% 325 2,722 14,499 279 345 87 0
subscription-manager 67% 19,465 134,435 955,520 14,019 5,750 2,817 22
virt-manager 59% 32,336 182,520 1,230,875 29,781 2,412 171 6

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