This site runs Weblate for translating the software projects listed below. You need to be signed in to translate, otherwise you can only make suggestions.

Project Translated Unfinished Unfinished words Unfinished characters Untranslated Checks Suggestions Comments
anaconda 59% 729,018 4,884,294 31,283,459 679,048 41,981 111,371 28
anaconda-webui 35% 12,006 59,830 385,785 7,254 1,436 1,813 5
blivet 66% 8,762 61,619 400,214 8,475 891 1,072 5
cockpit 64% 48,898 205,901 1,257,199 43,237 1,657 5,872 16
cockpit-composer 91% 330 3,236 18,863 323 30 380 1
cockpit-files 64% 675 1,983 11,904 618 13 200 1
cockpit-machines 54% 11,484 55,677 322,738 9,861 391 2,287 1
dnf 52% 97,249 607,740 3,967,545 95,031 3,484 11,827 19
dnf5 72% 3,365 24,633 159,801 3,139 220 588 5
fedora-docs-l10n/fedora 33% 29,439 493,068 3,474,427 29,302 1,516 4,127 7
fedora-docs-l10n/fedora-release-notes 28% 98,543 1,542,580 11,215,431 98,431 2,327 6,664 6
fedora-docs-l10n/quick-docs 10% 129,508 1,951,417 13,826,327 129,099 861 3,935 2
fedora-media-writer 82% 1,157 5,666 34,905 726 305 574 1
fedora-websites-3.0 46% 34,256 450,056 2,996,238 34,188 1,247 6,108 196
guix 18% 464,343 7,780,705 55,945,485 435,299 9,510 8,333 79
iputils 94% 225 1,703 12,323 223 61 21 0
kde 70% 62,413 333,230 2,210,090 29,814 14,033 14,328 1
libvirt 34% 329,897 2,279,341 14,374,226 241,794 28,732 13,095 5
systemd 74% 2,777 20,361 132,661 1,908 233 318 30
virt-manager 58% 33,005 186,235 1,258,058 29,898 3,273 82 6

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