This site runs Weblate for translating the software projects listed below. You need to be signed in to translate, otherwise you can only make suggestions.

Project Translated Unfinished Unfinished words Unfinished characters Untranslated Checks Suggestions Comments
anaconda 59% 772,515 5,198,321 33,223,568 720,459 43,714 121,203 31
anaconda-webui 41% 11,507 66,604 424,610 6,933 1,280 1,675 6
authselect 70% 9,209 104,677 776,061 8,918 905 818 44
candlepin 51% 15,527 130,215 787,031 14,409 1,137 910 6
cockpit 54% 42,430 180,712 1,102,587 37,219 1,930 5,728 15
cockpit-files 81% 519 1,612 9,678 493 14 181 1
dnf 52% 97,290 610,882 3,986,867 95,127 3,281 12,244 20
dnf5 71% 5,233 39,493 254,747 4,987 243 792 8
fedora-docs-l10n/project 18% 13,242 181,396 1,358,811 13,037 151 365 2
fedora-docs-l10n/quick-docs 11% 128,325 1,943,943 13,782,178 127,901 989 3,841 2
fedora-kde 88% 167 3,812 24,925 158 6 85 0
fedora-media-writer 75% 2,216 10,950 64,212 1,455 328 856 2
fedora-websites-3.0 49% 36,987 523,056 3,516,649 36,937 1,575 5,667 199
guix 14% 722,358 13,315,130 93,403,911 669,431 27,878 20,109 76
ibus-typing-booster 72% 2,210 23,307 138,817 1,986 63 219 0
libvirt 34% 340,615 2,331,226 14,789,792 253,703 26,126 13,489 5
pulseaudio 74% 11,127 97,926 782,646 8,714 1,530 1,378 2
SSSD 41% 115,058 1,392,716 10,053,105 113,468 6,726 5,955 4
subscription-manager 67% 19,355 133,609 949,560 13,913 5,672 2,780 22
virt-manager 59% 32,159 179,764 1,212,881 29,603 2,392 127 6

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