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String updated in the repository

2 years ago
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Reused translation

Other source string: “Workarounds for manual installations: * Select only the disks with the same sector size during manual installation in graphical or text mode. * When disks with inconsistent sector size are selected for the installation, restrict each created LVM Volume Group to use Physical Volumes with the same sector size. This can only be done in graphical mode in the Custom partitioning spoke. Workarounds for kickstart installations: * Restrict what disks are used for the partitioning by specifying 'ignoredisk --drives=..' or 'ignoredisk --only-use=..'. * Specify what disks should be used for each created LVM Physical Volume: partition pv.1 --ondisk=..'. General workarounds: * Plain partitioning scheme can be used instead of LVM. * Some drives support re-configuration of sector sizes, for example by running 'hdparm --set-sector-size=<SIZE> <DEVICE>'. ”



English Czech
only pouze anaconda

String information

String age
2 years ago
Last updated
a year ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
f37/cs.po, string 632