
Source string Source string

Things to check

Multiple unnamed variables

There are multiple unnamed variables in the string, making it impossible for translators to reorder them



English English
No related strings found in the glossary.

13351404 String information

Source string description
Tool-tip text. Shown on top of operators address when user hovers mouse on top of the address field. The %1 will be replaced by nickname of an operator who trusts this particular operator. The %2 will be replaced by SHA1 digest of the operator who trusts the operator whose SHA1 is under mouse cursor.
c-format, qt-format, read-only, strict-same
Source string location
FrontWidget.cpp:1355 FrontWidget.cpp:1903
String age
a year ago
Last updated
a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
po/classified-ads.pot, string 149