Koji CLI is not available for translation. Consider leaving this text in English.
Source string description
type: delimited block .Flags
no-wrap, placeholders:r"`[\w\d -_<>(){}\[\]@$;.\*+=]*`":r"https?://[\w\d\-_#?&%=\./]*":r"xref:[\w\d\-_/]*\.adoc(#[\w\d\-_/]*)?":Koji:koji:mock-config:mock:Mock:rawhide, read-only
build Build a package from source
cancel-task Cancel a task
help List available commands
latest-build Print the latest rpms for a tag
latest-pkg Print the latest builds for a tag
build Build a package from source
cancel-task Cancel a task
help List available commands
latest-build Print the latest rpms for a tag
latest-pkg Print the latest builds for a tag