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phc2sys[526.527]: Waiting for ptp4l... phc2sys[527.528]: Waiting for ptp4l... phc2sys[528.528]: phc offset 55341 s0 freq +0 delay 2729 phc2sys[529.528]: phc offset 54658 s1 freq -37690 delay 2725 phc2sys[530.528]: phc offset 888 s2 freq -36802 delay 2756 phc2sys[531.528]: phc offset 1156 s2 freq -36268 delay 2766 phc2sys[532.528]: phc offset 411 s2 freq -36666 delay 2738 phc2sys[533.528]: phc offset -73 s2 freq -37026 delay 2764 phc2sys[534.528]: phc offset 39 s2 freq -36936 delay 2746 phc2sys[535.529]: phc offset 95 s2 freq -36869 delay 2733 phc2sys[536.529]: phc offset -359 s2 freq -37294 delay 2738 phc2sys[537.529]: phc offset -257 s2 freq -37300 delay 2753 phc2sys[538.529]: phc offset 119 s2 freq -37001 delay 2745 phc2sys[539.529]: phc offset 288 s2 freq -36796 delay 2766 phc2sys[540.529]: phc offset -149 s2 freq -37147 delay 2760 phc2sys[541.529]: phc offset -352 s2 freq -37395 delay 2771 phc2sys[542.529]: phc offset 166 s2 freq -36982 delay 2748 phc2sys[543.529]: phc offset 50 s2 freq -37048 delay 2756 phc2sys[544.530]: phc offset -31 s2 freq -37114 delay 2748 phc2sys[545.530]: phc offset -333 s2 freq -37426 delay 2747 phc2sys[546.530]: phc offset 194 s2 freq -36999 delay 2749
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type: delimited block -
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String age
2 years ago
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a year ago
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2 years ago