Units API.

See the Weblate's Web API documentation for detailed description of the API.

GET /api/units/7922185/?format=api
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

    "translation": "https://translate.fedoraproject.org/api/translations/fedora-docs-l10n-project/masterpagescode-of-conduct/es/?format=api",
    "source": [
        "All reports will be kept confidential.  When we discuss incidents with anyone we will anonymize details as much as we can.  This means that the identities of all involved parties will remain confidential unless those individuals instruct us otherwise or we are required to make disclosures under the law. Additionally, in some cases we may need to disclose this information to other parties at Red Hat.  Fedora is not a separate legal entity and therefore has to comply with all requirements imposed upon Red Hat."
    "previous_source": "",
    "target": [
        "Todos los informes se mantendrán confidenciales. Cuando discutamos incidentes con alguien, haremos que los detalles sean anónimos tanto como podamos. Esto significa que las identidades de todas las partes involucradas serán confidenciales a menos que las personas nos den instrucciones en otro sentido o estemos obligados ha divulgarlos por obligación legal. Además, es posible que en algunos casos necesitemos revelar esta información a otras partes de Red Hat. Fedora no es una entidad con separación legal y por lo tanto tiene que cumplir los requisitos impuestos por Red Hat."
    "id_hash": 816176906218952199,
    "content_hash": 816176906218952199,
    "location": "pages/code-of-conduct.adoc:91",
    "context": "",
    "note": "type: Plain text",
    "flags": "",
    "labels": [],
    "state": 20,
    "fuzzy": false,
    "translated": true,
    "approved": false,
    "position": 52,
    "has_suggestion": false,
    "has_comment": false,
    "has_failing_check": false,
    "num_words": 85,
    "source_unit": "https://translate.fedoraproject.org/api/units/7921889/?format=api",
    "priority": 100,
    "id": 7922185,
    "web_url": "https://translate.fedoraproject.org/translate/fedora-docs-l10n-project/masterpagescode-of-conduct/es/?checksum=8b53a492690ed607",
    "url": "https://translate.fedoraproject.org/api/units/7922185/?format=api",
    "explanation": "",
    "extra_flags": "",
    "pending": false,
    "timestamp": "2021-05-11T21:58:39.978348Z"