Units API.

See the Weblate's Web API documentation for detailed description of the API.

GET /api/units/7922140/?format=api
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

    "translation": "https://translate.fedoraproject.org/api/translations/fedora-docs-l10n-project/masterpagescode-of-conduct/es/?format=api",
    "source": [
        "In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as the Fedora community pledge to collaborate in a respectful and constructive manner, and welcome everyone willing to join us in that pledge.  We welcome individuals regardless of ability, age, background, body size, education, ethnicity, family status, gender identity and expression, geographic location, level of experience, marital status, nationality, national origin, native language, personal appearance, race and/or ethnicity, religion, sexual identity and orientation, socioeconomic status, or any other dimension of diversity."
    "previous_source": "",
    "target": [
        "Con el interés de fomentar un entorno abierto y acogedor, nosotros, como comunidad de Fedora nos comprometemos a colaborar de ua manera respetuosa y constructiva y damos la bienvenida a todos aquellos de deseen unirse a este compromiso.  Damos la bienvenida a las personas sin tener en cuenta su capcidad, edad, antecedentes, tamaño de su cuerpo, educación, raza, estatus familair, identidad y expresión de genero, localización geográfica, nivel de experiencia, estado civil, nacionalidad, origen nacional, idioma materno, apariencia persona, religión, identidad y orientación sexual, estado socioeconómico y cualquier otra dimensión de diversidad."
    "id_hash": 7861237054952830279,
    "content_hash": 7861237054952830279,
    "location": "pages/code-of-conduct.adoc:19",
    "context": "",
    "note": "type: Plain text",
    "flags": "",
    "labels": [],
    "state": 20,
    "fuzzy": false,
    "translated": true,
    "approved": false,
    "position": 7,
    "has_suggestion": false,
    "has_comment": false,
    "has_failing_check": false,
    "num_words": 82,
    "source_unit": "https://translate.fedoraproject.org/api/units/7921811/?format=api",
    "priority": 100,
    "id": 7922140,
    "web_url": "https://translate.fedoraproject.org/translate/fedora-docs-l10n-project/masterpagescode-of-conduct/es/?checksum=ed18b9736b99f547",
    "url": "https://translate.fedoraproject.org/api/units/7922140/?format=api",
    "explanation": "",
    "extra_flags": "",
    "pending": false,
    "timestamp": "2021-05-11T21:58:39.653716Z"