Translation components API.

See the Weblate's Web API documentation for detailed description of the API.

GET /api/translations/fedora-docs-l10n-neurofedora/masterpagesexcludedtools/en/units/?format=api
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

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                "| Software | Description | Why not included | Suggestion\n\n| link:[FSL]\n| Library of analysis tools for FMRI, MRI and DTI brain imaging data.\n| The link:[FSL license prohibits commercial use], and is therefore not a FOSS license. It cannot be included in Fedora.\n| Please use the link:[instructions FSL developers provide] to install FSL.\n\n| Mendeley Desktop\n| The link:[Mendeley] desktop client\n| Mendeley does not provide the source tarball needed to create binary applications. It also bundles libraries and includes a proprietary license.\n| Users may install the software from the link:[RPM Fusion repositories].\n\n| Nvidia drivers\n| Proprietary software necessary for using Nvidia hardware.\n| In line with the Fedora communities link:[foundations], NeuroFedora does not include any link:[proprietary software].\n| Users may install the Nvidia drivers from the sister link:[RPM Fusion repositories].\n\n| Nvidia CUDA\n| The Nvidia CUDA platform.\n| In line with the Fedora communities link:[foundations], NeuroFedora does not include any link:[proprietary software].\n| Users may install the CUDA from the official Nvidia repositories as link:[documented here].\n\n| Triangle\n| Johnathan Richard Shewchuk’s link:[Triangle] library, a two-dimensional quality mesh generator and Delaunay triangulator.\n| The software is non-free because its license contains field-of-use restrictions.\nIn line with the Fedora communities link:[foundations], NeuroFedora does not include any link:[proprietary software].\n| The library is source-available, and is free of charge for “private, research, and institutional use”, so some users may be able to compile from source without obtaining a paid license.\n\n"
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                "| Software | Description | Why not included | Suggestion\n\n| link:[FSL]\n| Library of analysis tools for FMRI, MRI and DTI brain imaging data.\n| The link:[FSL license prohibits commercial use], and is therefore not a FOSS license. It cannot be included in Fedora.\n| Please use the link:[instructions FSL developers provide] to install FSL.\n\n| Mendeley Desktop\n| The link:[Mendeley] desktop client\n| Mendeley does not provide the source tarball needed to create binary applications. It also bundles libraries and includes a proprietary license.\n| Users may install the software from the link:[RPM Fusion repositories].\n\n| Nvidia drivers\n| Proprietary software necessary for using Nvidia hardware.\n| In line with the Fedora communities link:[foundations], NeuroFedora does not include any link:[proprietary software].\n| Users may install the Nvidia drivers from the sister link:[RPM Fusion repositories].\n\n| Nvidia CUDA\n| The Nvidia CUDA platform.\n| In line with the Fedora communities link:[foundations], NeuroFedora does not include any link:[proprietary software].\n| Users may install the CUDA from the official Nvidia repositories as link:[documented here].\n\n| Triangle\n| Johnathan Richard Shewchuk’s link:[Triangle] library, a two-dimensional quality mesh generator and Delaunay triangulator.\n| The software is non-free because its license contains field-of-use restrictions.\nIn line with the Fedora communities link:[foundations], NeuroFedora does not include any link:[proprietary software].\n| The library is source-available, and is free of charge for “private, research, and institutional use”, so some users may be able to compile from source without obtaining a paid license.\n\n"
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            "timestamp": "2022-02-04T22:12:03.473206Z"