Translation components API.

See the Weblate's Web API documentation for detailed description of the API.

GET /api/translations/fedora-docs-l10n-fedora-system-administrat/f29pagesmonitoring-and-automationsystem_monitoring_tools/id/changes/?format=api&page=13
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

    "count": 810,
    "next": "",
    "previous": "",
    "results": [
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-05-18T07:17:05.483323Z",
            "action": 9,
            "target": "  PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S %CPU %MEM    TIME+  COMMAND\n  510 john      20   0 1435m  99m  18m S  9.0 13.3   3:30.52 gnome-shell\n32686 root      20   0  156m  27m 3628 R  2.0  3.7   0:48.69 Xorg\n 2625 john      20   0  488m  27m  14m S  0.3  3.7   0:00.70 emacs\n    1 root      20   0 53128 2640 1152 S  0.0  0.3   0:02.83 systemd\n    2 root      20   0     0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.01 kthreadd\n    3 root      20   0     0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.18 ksoftirqd/0\n    5 root      20   0     0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.00 kworker/u:0\n    6 root      RT   0     0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.00 migration/0\n    7 root      RT   0     0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.30 watchdog/0\n    8 root       0 -20     0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.00 cpuset\n    9 root       0 -20     0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.00 khelper\n   10 root      20   0     0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.00 kdevtmpfs\n   11 root       0 -20     0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.00 netns\n   12 root      20   0     0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.11 sync_supers\n   13 root      20   0     0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.00 bdi-default\n   14 root       0 -20     0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.00 kintegrityd\n   15 root       0 -20     0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.00 kblockd\n",
            "old": "",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "  PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S %CPU %MEM    TIME+  COMMAND\n  510 john      20   0 1435m  99m  18m S  9.0 13.3   3:30.52 gnome-shell\n32686 root      20   0  156m  27m 3628 R  2.0  3.7   0:48.69 Xorg\n 2625 john      20   0  488m  27m  14m S  0.3  3.7   0:00.70 emacs\n    1 root      20   0 53128 2640 1152 S  0.0  0.3   0:02.83 systemd\n    2 root      20   0     0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.01 kthreadd\n    3 root      20   0     0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.18 ksoftirqd/0\n    5 root      20   0     0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.00 kworker/u:0\n    6 root      RT   0     0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.00 migration/0\n    7 root      RT   0     0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.30 watchdog/0\n    8 root       0 -20     0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.00 cpuset\n    9 root       0 -20     0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.00 khelper\n   10 root      20   0     0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.00 kdevtmpfs\n   11 root       0 -20     0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.00 netns\n   12 root      20   0     0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.11 sync_supers\n   13 root      20   0     0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.00 bdi-default\n   14 root       0 -20     0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.00 kintegrityd\n   15 root       0 -20     0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.00 kblockd\n",
                "old_state": 0
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            "timestamp": "2022-05-18T07:17:03.309977Z",
            "action": 9,
            "target": "~]$ top\ntop - 19:22:08 up  5:53,  3 users,  load average: 1.08, 1.03, 0.82\nTasks: 117 total,   2 running, 115 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie\nCpu(s):  9.3%us,  1.3%sy,  0.0%ni, 85.1%id,  0.0%wa,  1.7%hi,  0.0%si,  2.6%st\nMem:    761956k total,   617256k used,   144700k free,    24356k buffers\nSwap:  1540092k total,    55780k used,  1484312k free,   256408k cached\n",
            "old": "",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "~]$ top\ntop - 19:22:08 up  5:53,  3 users,  load average: 1.08, 1.03, 0.82\nTasks: 117 total,   2 running, 115 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie\nCpu(s):  9.3%us,  1.3%sy,  0.0%ni, 85.1%id,  0.0%wa,  1.7%hi,  0.0%si,  2.6%st\nMem:    761956k total,   617256k used,   144700k free,    24356k buffers\nSwap:  1540092k total,    55780k used,  1484312k free,   256408k cached\n",
                "old_state": 0
            "id": 4953030,
            "action_name": "Translation uploaded",
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            "timestamp": "2022-05-18T07:17:01.070526Z",
            "action": 9,
            "target": "Untuk setiap proses yang tercantum, perintah [command]#top# menampilkan ID proses ('PID'), nama pengguna efektif pemilik proses ('USER'), prioritas ('PR'), nilai bagus ('NI'), jumlah memori virtual yang digunakan proses ('VIRT'), jumlah memori fisik yang tidak ditukar yang digunakan proses ('RES'), jumlah memori bersama yang digunakan proses ('SHR'),  persentase penggunaan CPU ('%CPU') dan memori ('%MEM'), waktu CPU yang terakumulasi ('TIME+'), dan nama berkas yang dapat dieksekusi ('COMMAND'). Misalnya:",
            "old": "",
            "details": {
                "state": 10,
                "source": "For each listed process, the [command]#top# command displays the process ID (`PID`), the effective username of the process owner (`USER`), the priority (`PR`), the nice value (`NI`), the amount of virtual memory the process uses (`VIRT`), the amount of non-swapped physical memory the process uses (`RES`), the amount of shared memory the process uses (`SHR`), the percentage of the CPU (`%CPU`) and memory (`%MEM`) usage, the cumulated CPU time (`TIME+`), and the name of the executable file (`COMMAND`). For example:",
                "old_state": 0
            "id": 4953018,
            "action_name": "Translation uploaded",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-05-18T07:16:59.219600Z",
            "action": 9,
            "target": "[command]#top#\n",
            "old": "",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "[command]#top#\n",
                "old_state": 0
            "id": 4953006,
            "action_name": "Translation uploaded",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-05-18T07:16:57.351660Z",
            "action": 9,
            "target": "Untuk menjalankan perintah [command]#top#, ketik yang berikut ini pada prompt shell:",
            "old": "",
            "details": {
                "state": 10,
                "source": "To run the [command]#top# command, type the following at a shell prompt:",
                "old_state": 0
            "id": 4952994,
            "action_name": "Translation uploaded",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
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            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-05-18T07:16:55.193848Z",
            "action": 9,
            "target": "indexterm:[system information,processes,current running]indexterm:[top] Perintah [command]#top# menampilkan daftar real-time proses yang berjalan pada sistem. Ini juga menampilkan informasi tambahan tentang uptime sistem, cpu saat ini dan penggunaan memori, atau jumlah total proses yang berjalan, dan memungkinkan Anda untuk melakukan tindakan seperti menyortir daftar atau membunuh proses.",
            "old": "",
            "details": {
                "state": 10,
                "source": "indexterm:[system information,processes,currently running]indexterm:[top] The [command]#top# command displays a real-time list of processes that are running on the system. It also displays additional information about the system uptime, current CPU and memory usage, or total number of running processes, and allows you to perform actions such as sorting the list or killing a process.",
                "old_state": 0
            "id": 4952982,
            "action_name": "Translation uploaded",
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            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-05-18T07:16:53.251981Z",
            "action": 9,
            "target": "Menggunakan Perintah atas",
            "old": "",
            "details": {
                "state": 10,
                "source": "Using the top Command",
                "old_state": 0
            "id": 4952970,
            "action_name": "Translation uploaded",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
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            "timestamp": "2022-05-18T07:16:51.344293Z",
            "action": 9,
            "target": "Untuk daftar lengkap opsi baris perintah yang tersedia, lihat halaman manual *ps*(1).",
            "old": "",
            "details": {
                "state": 10,
                "source": "For a complete list of available command line options, refer to the *ps*(1) manual page.",
                "old_state": 0
            "id": 4952958,
            "action_name": "Translation uploaded",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-05-18T07:16:49.273016Z",
            "action": 9,
            "target": "~]$ [command]#ps ax | grep emacs#\n 2625 ?        Sl     0:00 emacs\n",
            "old": "",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "~]$ [command]#ps ax | grep emacs#\n 2625 ?        Sl     0:00 emacs\n",
                "old_state": 0
            "id": 4952946,
            "action_name": "Translation uploaded",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
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            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-05-18T07:16:47.380253Z",
            "action": 9,
            "target": "Anda juga dapat menggunakan perintah [command]#ps# dalam kombinasi dengan [command]#grep# untuk melihat apakah proses tertentu sedang berjalan. Misalnya, untuk menentukan apakah [aplikasi]*Emacs* sedang berjalan, ketik:",
            "old": "",
            "details": {
                "state": 10,
                "source": "You can also use the [command]#ps# command in a combination with [command]#grep# to see if a particular process is running. For example, to determine if [application]*Emacs* is running, type:",
                "old_state": 0
            "id": 4952934,
            "action_name": "Translation uploaded",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-05-18T07:16:45.210339Z",
            "action": 9,
            "target": "~]$ [command]#ps aux#\nUSER       PID %CPU %MEM    VSZ   RSS TTY      STAT START   TIME COMMAND\nroot         1  0.0  0.3  53128  2988 ?        Ss   13:28   0:02 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd --system --deserialize 20\nroot         2  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    13:28   0:00 [kthreadd]\nroot         3  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    13:28   0:00 [ksoftirqd/0]\nroot         5  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    13:28   0:00 [kworker/u:0]\nroot         6  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    13:28   0:00 [migration/0]\n_[output truncated]_\n",
            "old": "",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "~]$ [command]#ps aux#\nUSER       PID %CPU %MEM    VSZ   RSS TTY      STAT START   TIME COMMAND\nroot         1  0.0  0.3  53128  2988 ?        Ss   13:28   0:02 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd --system --deserialize 20\nroot         2  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    13:28   0:00 [kthreadd]\nroot         3  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    13:28   0:00 [ksoftirqd/0]\nroot         5  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    13:28   0:00 [kworker/u:0]\nroot         6  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    13:28   0:00 [migration/0]\n_[output truncated]_\n",
                "old_state": 0
            "id": 4952922,
            "action_name": "Translation uploaded",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
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            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-05-18T07:16:43.285007Z",
            "action": 9,
            "target": "Terlepas dari informasi yang diberikan oleh perintah [command]#ps ax# , [command]#ps aux# menampilkan nama pengguna yang efektif dari pemilik proses ('USER'), persentase penggunaan CPU ('%CPU') dan memori ('%MEM'), ukuran memori virtual dalam kilobyte ('VSZ'), ukuran memori fisik yang tidak ditukar dalam kilobyte ('RSS'), dan waktu atau tanggal proses dimulai. Misalnya:",
            "old": "",
            "details": {
                "state": 10,
                "source": "Apart from the information provided by the [command]#ps ax# command, [command]#ps aux# displays the effective username of the process owner (`USER`), the percentage of the CPU (`%CPU`) and memory (`%MEM`) usage, the virtual memory size in kilobytes (`VSZ`), the non-swapped physical memory size in kilobytes (`RSS`), and the time or date the process was started. For instance:",
                "old_state": 0
            "id": 4952910,
            "action_name": "Translation uploaded",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-05-18T07:16:40.455827Z",
            "action": 9,
            "target": "[command]#ps# [option]`aux`\n",
            "old": "",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "[command]#ps# [option]`aux`\n",
                "old_state": 0
            "id": 4952898,
            "action_name": "Translation uploaded",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-05-18T07:16:38.353890Z",
            "action": 9,
            "target": "Untuk menampilkan pemilik di samping setiap proses, gunakan perintah berikut:",
            "old": "",
            "details": {
                "state": 10,
                "source": "To display the owner alongside each process, use the following command:",
                "old_state": 0
            "id": 4952886,
            "action_name": "Translation uploaded",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
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            "translation": "",
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            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-05-18T07:16:36.253790Z",
            "action": 9,
            "target": "~]$ [command]#ps ax#\n  PID TTY      STAT   TIME COMMAND\n    1 ?        Ss     0:02 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd --system --deserialize 20\n    2 ?        S      0:00 [kthreadd]\n    3 ?        S      0:00 [ksoftirqd/0]\n    5 ?        S      0:00 [kworker/u:0]\n    6 ?        S      0:00 [migration/0]\n_[output truncated]_\n",
            "old": "",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "~]$ [command]#ps ax#\n  PID TTY      STAT   TIME COMMAND\n    1 ?        Ss     0:02 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd --system --deserialize 20\n    2 ?        S      0:00 [kthreadd]\n    3 ?        S      0:00 [ksoftirqd/0]\n    5 ?        S      0:00 [kworker/u:0]\n    6 ?        S      0:00 [migration/0]\n_[output truncated]_\n",
                "old_state": 0
            "id": 4952874,
            "action_name": "Translation uploaded",
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            "timestamp": "2022-05-18T07:16:34.268163Z",
            "action": 9,
            "target": "Untuk setiap proses yang tercantum, perintah [command]#ps ax# menampilkan ID proses ('PID'), terminal yang terkait dengannya ('TTY'), status saat ini ('STAT'), waktu CPU yang terakumulasi ('TIME'), dan nama file yang dapat dieksekusi ('COMMAND'). Misalnya:",
            "old": "",
            "details": {
                "state": 10,
                "source": "For each listed process, the [command]#ps ax# command displays the process ID (`PID`), the terminal that is associated with it (`TTY`), the current status (`STAT`), the cumulated CPU time (`TIME`), and the name of the executable file (`COMMAND`). For example:",
                "old_state": 0
            "id": 4952862,
            "action_name": "Translation uploaded",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-05-18T07:16:32.338339Z",
            "action": 9,
            "target": "[command]#ps# [opsi]`ax`\n",
            "old": "",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "[command]#ps# [option]`ax`\n",
                "old_state": 0
            "id": 4952850,
            "action_name": "Translation uploaded",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-05-18T07:16:30.495981Z",
            "action": 9,
            "target": "Untuk mencantumkan semua proses yang saat ini berjalan pada sistem termasuk proses yang dimiliki oleh pengguna lain, ketik hal berikut ini di prompt shell:",
            "old": "",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "To list all processes that are currently running on the system including processes owned by other users, type the following at a shell prompt:",
                "old_state": 0
            "id": 4952838,
            "action_name": "Translation uploaded",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-05-18T07:16:28.560998Z",
            "action": 9,
            "target": "indexterm:[ps] Perintah [command]#ps# memungkinkan Anda untuk menampilkan informasi tentang proses yang sedang berjalan. Ini menghasilkan daftar statis, yaitu snapshot dari apa yang berjalan ketika Anda menjalankan perintah. Jika Anda menginginkan daftar proses berjalan yang terus diperbarui, gunakan perintah [command]#top# atau aplikasi [application]*Pemantau Sistem*.",
            "old": "",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "indexterm:[ps] The [command]#ps# command allows you to display information about running processes. It produces a static list, that is, a snapshot of what is running when you execute the command. If you want a constantly updated list of running processes, use the [command]#top# command or the [application]*System Monitor* application instead.",
                "old_state": 0
            "id": 4952826,
            "action_name": "Translation uploaded",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-05-18T07:16:26.630829Z",
            "action": 9,
            "target": "Menggunakan Perintah ps",
            "old": "",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "Using the ps Command",
                "old_state": 0
            "id": 4952814,
            "action_name": "Translation uploaded",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-05-18T07:16:24.519490Z",
            "action": 9,
            "target": "indexterm:[informasi sistem,proses]indexterm:[proses]",
            "old": "",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "indexterm:[system information,processes]indexterm:[processes]",
                "old_state": 0
            "id": 4952802,
            "action_name": "Translation uploaded",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-05-18T07:16:22.631736Z",
            "action": 9,
            "target": "Melihat Proses Sistem",
            "old": "",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "Viewing System Processes",
                "old_state": 0
            "id": 4952790,
            "action_name": "Translation uploaded",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-05-18T07:16:20.629709Z",
            "action": 9,
            "target": "indexterm:[informasi sistem,mengumpulkan]indexterm:[informasi,tentang sistem Anda] Untuk mengonfigurasi sistem, administrator sistem sering perlu menentukan banyaknya memori bebas, berapa banyak ruang disk kosong yang tersedia, bagaimana hard drive dipartisi, atau proses apa yang sedang berjalan.",
            "old": "",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "indexterm:[system information,gathering]indexterm:[information,about your system] In order to configure the system, system administrators often need to determine the amount of free memory, how much free disk space is available, how the hard drive is partitioned, or what processes are running.",
                "old_state": 0
            "id": 4952778,
            "action_name": "Translation uploaded",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": null,
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-04-19T07:18:13.405461Z",
            "action": 4,
            "target": "Untuk menghentikan layanan `atd`, ketik yang berikut di shell prompt sebagai `root`:",
            "old": "",
            "details": {},
            "id": 4644578,
            "action_name": "Suggestion added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": null,
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-04-19T07:18:13.389238Z",
            "action": 4,
            "target": "Untuk menjalankan layanan `crond` di sesi saat ini, ketik yang berikut di shell prompt sebagai `root`:",
            "old": "",
            "details": {},
            "id": 4644577,
            "action_name": "Suggestion added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": null,
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-04-19T07:18:13.374340Z",
            "action": 4,
            "target": "Memulai Ulang Layanan",
            "old": "",
            "details": {},
            "id": 4644576,
            "action_name": "Suggestion added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": null,
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-04-19T07:18:13.358368Z",
            "action": 4,
            "target": "[command]#dnf install _package_pass:attributes[{blank}]#\n",
            "old": "",
            "details": {},
            "id": 4644575,
            "action_name": "Suggestion added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": null,
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-04-19T07:18:13.338647Z",
            "action": 4,
            "target": "Untuk memasang paket ini, gunakan perintah [command]#dnf# dalam bentuk berikut sebagai `root`:",
            "old": "",
            "details": {},
            "id": 4644574,
            "action_name": "Suggestion added",
            "url": ""
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