Translation components API.

See the Weblate's Web API documentation for detailed description of the API.

GET /api/translations/pykickstart/rhel7-branch/ca/units/?format=api
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

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                "Ignoring deprecated command on line %(lineno)s:  The %(cmd)s command has been deprecated and no longer has any effect.  It may be removed from future releases, which will result in a fatal error from kickstart.  Please modify your kickstart file to remove this command."
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": [
                "S'ha ignorat l'ordre en desús a la línia %(lineno)s:  L'ordre %(cmd)s està en desús i no tindrà cap efecte. S'eliminarà en futures versions, i provocarà un error fatal del kickstart. Modifiqueu el vostre fitxer kickstart per eliminar aquesta opció."
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                "Unknown command: %s"
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                "Illegal url for %%ksappend: %s"
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                "L'url per a %%ksappend no és vàlida: %s"
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                "Unable to open %%ksappend file: %s"
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": [
                "No es pot obrir el fitxer %%ksappend: %s"
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                "Unable to open %%ksappend file"
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                "No es pot obrir el fitxer %%ksappend"
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                "Unable to open input kickstart file: %s"
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            "target": [
                "No es pot obrir el fitxer d'entrada de kickstart: %s"
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            "source": [
                "Group cannot specify both --nodefaults and --optional"
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                "El grup no pot especificar --nodefaults i --optional alhora"
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            "translation": "",
            "source": [
                "Section %s does not end with %%end."
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": [
                "La secció %s no finalitza amb %%end."
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            "translation": "",
            "source": [
                "Unknown kickstart section: %s"
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": [
                "Secció kickstart desconeguda: %s"
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                "Potentially unknown section seen at line %(lineno)s: %(sectionName)s"
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": [
                "Possible secció desconeguda vista a la línia %(lineno)s: %(sectionName)s"
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            "context": "",
            "note": "If we are ignoring unknown section errors, just create a new\nNullSection for the header we just saw.  Then nothing else\nneeds to change.  You can turn this warning into an error via\nksvalidator, or the warnings module.",
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                "Unsupported version specified: %s"
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": [
                "La versió especificada no és compatible: %s"
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                "Option %s is required"
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": [
                "Es requereix l'opció %s"
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                "The %(option)s option was introduced in version %(intro)s, but you are using kickstart syntax version %(version)s."
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": [
                "L'opció %(option)s es va introduir en la versió %(intro)s, no obstant esteu utilitzant la versió %(version)s de la sintaxi del kickstart."
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                "The %(option)s option is no longer supported."
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                "L'opció %(option)s ja no està suportada."
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                "The %(option)s option was removed in version %(removed)s, but you are using kickstart syntax version %(version)s."
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": [
                "L'opció %(option)s es va eliminar en la versió %(removed)s, no obstant esteu utilitzant la versió %(version)s de la sintaxi del kickstart."
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                "Ignoring deprecated option on line %(lineno)s:  The %(option)s option has been deprecated and no longer has any effect.  It may be removed from future releases, which will result in a fatal error from kickstart.  Please modify your kickstart file to remove this option."
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": [
                "S'ha ignorat l'opció en desús a la línia %(lineno)s:  L'opció %(option)s està en desús i no tindrà cap efecte. S'eliminarà en futures versions, i provocarà un error fatal del kickstart. Modifiqueu el vostre fitxer kickstart per eliminar aquesta opció."
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                "Option %(opt)s: invalid boolean value: %(value)r"
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": [
                "Opció %(opt)s: el valor del booleà no és vàlid: %(value)r"
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                "Option %(opt)s: invalid string value: %(value)r"
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": [
                "Opció %(opt)s: el valor de la cadena no és vàlid: %(value)r"
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                "Required flag set for option that doesn't take a value"
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                "Es va demanar l'establiment de l'indicador per a una opció que no pren cap valor"
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                "--default and --nobase cannot be used together"
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                "--default and --nocore cannot be used together"
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                "--default i --nocore no poden utilitzar-se alhora"
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                "The following problem occurred on line %(lineno)s of the kickstart file:\n\n%(msg)s\n"
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": [
                "S'ha produït el següent problema a la línia %(lineno)s del fitxer del kickstart:\n\n%(msg)s\n"
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                "There was a problem reading from line %s of the kickstart file"
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": [
                "Hi va haver un problema en llegir el fitxer del kickstart a la línia %s"
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                "Snapshot origin must be specified!"
            "previous_source": "",
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                "S'ha d'especificar l'origen de la instantània!"
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                "Snapshot with the name %s has been already defined!"
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            "target": [
                "Ja ha estat definida una instantània amb el nom %s!"
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                "Snapshot \"when\" parameter must be specified!"
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            "target": [
                "S'ha d'especificar el paràmetre «when» de la instantània!"
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                "Snapshot origin %s must be specified by VG/LV!"
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            "target": [
                "L'origen de la instantània %s ha d'estar especificat pel VG/LV!"
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                "Snapshot when param must have one of these values %s!"
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": [
                "El paràmetre «when» de la instantània ha de tenir un d'aquests valors %s!"
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                "Unexpected arguments to %(command)s command: %(options)s"
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                "Arguments inesperats per a l'ordre %(command)s: %(options)s"
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                "Only one of --baseurl and --mirrorlist may be specified for repo command."
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                "En l'ordre de repo tan sols se'n pot especificar un dels següents --baseurl o --mirrorlist."
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                "One of --baseurl or --mirrorlist must be specified for repo command."
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                "En l'ordre de repo se n'ha d'especificar un dels següents --baseurl  o --mirrorlist."
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                "A repo with the name %s has already been defined."
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                "Ja s'ha definit un dipòsit amb el nom %s."
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                "Method must be a url to be added to the repo list."
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                "El mètode ha de ser una URL que s'afegeix a la llista dels dipòsits."
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                "L'ordre %s de Kickstart requereix un argument"
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                "Ja s'ha definit un grup amb el nom %s."
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                "One of biospart or partition options must be specified."
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                "S'ha d'especificar una de les opcions biospart o partition."
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                "S'espera un argument individual per a l'ordre %s"
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                "Ja s'ha definit un usuari ssh amb el nom %s."
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                "No poden utilitzar-se alhora les ordres de volgroup i d'autopart"
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                "One of --drives or --only-use must be specified for ignoredisk command."
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                "En l'ordre d'ignoredisk se n'ha d'especificar un dels següents --drives  o --only-use."
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                "One of --drives , --only-use , or --interactive must be specified for ignoredisk command."
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                "En l'ordre d'ignoredisk se n'ha d'especificar un dels següents --drives , --only-use o --interactive."
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            "pending": false,
            "timestamp": "2020-01-31T19:02:19.609809Z"
            "translation": "",
            "source": [
                "Only one of --nomount and --romount may be specified for rescue command."
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": [
                "En l'ordre de rescue tan sols se'n pot especificar un dels següents --nomount o --romount"
            "id_hash": 4226334090059023800,
            "content_hash": 4226334090059023800,
            "location": "../pykickstart/commands/",
            "context": "",
            "note": "",
            "flags": "",
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            "state": 20,
            "fuzzy": false,
            "translated": true,
            "approved": false,
            "position": 49,
            "has_suggestion": false,
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            "num_words": 12,
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            "priority": 100,
            "id": 599550,
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            "explanation": "",
            "extra_flags": "",
            "pending": false,
            "timestamp": "2020-01-31T19:02:19.615331Z"
            "translation": "",
            "source": [
                "Kickstart command %s does not accept empty parameter %s"
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": [
                "L'orde %s de Kickstart no accepta que el paràmetre %s estigui en blanc"
            "id_hash": -7449295901447782078,
            "content_hash": -7449295901447782078,
            "location": "../pykickstart/commands/",
            "context": "",
            "note": "",
            "flags": "python-format",
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            "approved": false,
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            "num_words": 9,
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            "priority": 100,
            "id": 599551,
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            "explanation": "",
            "extra_flags": "",
            "pending": false,
            "timestamp": "2020-01-31T19:02:19.625472Z"