Translation projects API.
See the Weblate's Web API documentation for detailed description of the API.
GET /api/projects/fedora-docs-l10n-project/changes/", "previous": null, "results": [ { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2025-02-11T14:33:41.433213Z", "action": 5, "target": "Vea la página link:{FWIKI}/Initiatives/Community_Ops_2024_Reboot[wiki ].", "old": "", "details": { "state": 20, "source": "See the link:{FWIKI}/Initiatives/Community_Ops_2024_Reboot[wiki page].", "old_state": 0 }, "id": 18123109, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2025-02-11T14:33:12.601491Z", "action": 5, "target": "10 meses", "old": "", "details": { "state": 20, "source": "10 months", "old_state": 0 }, "id": 18123108, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2025-02-11T14:32:55.482972Z", "action": 5, "target": "Aoife Moloney (link:{FWIKI}/User:Jonatoni[@amoloney])", "old": "", "details": { "state": 20, "source": "Aoife Moloney (link:{FWIKI}/User:Jonatoni[@amoloney])", "old_state": 0 }, "id": 18123107, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2025-02-11T14:32:42.617335Z", "action": 5, "target": "Robert Wright (link:{FWIKI}/User:Rwright[@rwright]), Justin W. Flory (link:{FWIKI}/wiki/User:Jflory7[@jflory7])", "old": "", "details": { "state": 20, "source": "Robert Wright (link:{FWIKI}/User:Rwright[@rwright]), Justin W. Flory (link:{FWIKI}/wiki/User:Jflory7[@jflory7])", "old_state": 0 }, "id": 18123106, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2025-02-11T14:32:33.089794Z", "action": 5, "target": "El Fedora Community Operations Team alcanza un ecosistema de la comunidad Fedora altamente colaborativo a través de dos áreas clave: *mejora del proceso*, asociarse con otros para hacer que el proceso de colaboración sea más abierto y transparente y *análisis social comunitario*, para comprender mejor las vías de colaboración sin prescribir un recorrido específico.", "old": "", "details": { "state": 20, "source": "The Fedora Community Operations Team achieves a highly-collaborative Fedora community ecosystem through two key areas: *process improvement*, to partner with others in making the contribution process more open and transparent, and *community social analysis*, to better understand contribution pathways without prescribing a specific journey.", "old_state": 0 }, "id": 18123105, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2025-02-11T13:21:26.479414Z", "action": 7, "target": "Misión", "old": "", "details": { "state": 20, "source": "Mission", "old_state": 0 }, "id": 18011222, "action_name": "Suggestion accepted", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2025-02-11T13:21:26.319503Z", "action": 5, "target": "Misión", "old": "", "details": { "state": 20, "source": "Mission", "old_state": 0 }, "id": 18011221, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2025-02-11T13:21:19.153655Z", "action": 5, "target": "El Fedora Community Operations Team habilita un ecosistema de la comunidad Fedora altamente colaborativo, donde los colaboradores prosperan el logro de objetivos de la estrategia Fedora 2028 y se pueden identificar y abordar fricciones en el proceso de colaboración por los colaboradores de Fedora.", "old": "", "details": { "state": 20, "source": "The Fedora Community Operations Team enables a highly-collaborative Fedora community ecosystem, where contributors thrive in achieving objectives of the Fedora 2028 strategy and friction in the contribution process can be identified and addressed for Fedora contributors.", "old_state": 0 }, "id": 18011220, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2025-02-11T13:21:06.402126Z", "action": 7, "target": "Visión", "old": "", "details": { "state": 20, "source": "Vision", "old_state": 0 }, "id": 18011219, "action_name": "Suggestion accepted", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2025-02-11T13:21:06.238430Z", "action": 5, "target": "Visión", "old": "", "details": { "state": 20, "source": "Vision", "old_state": 0 }, "id": 18011218, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2025-02-11T13:20:57.385538Z", "action": 2, "target": "Iniciativa Operaciones de la Comunidad 2.0", "old": "¿Qué son las Community Initiatives (Iniciativas de la Comunidad)?", "details": { "state": 20, "source": "Community Operations 2.0 Initiative", "old_state": 10 }, "id": 18011217, "action_name": "Translation changed", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2025-02-11T13:20:35.453267Z", "action": 5, "target": "Vea la link:{FWIKI}/Initiatives/Mentored_Projects_2024[wiki page].", "old": "", "details": { "state": 20, "source": "See the link:{FWIKI}/Initiatives/Mentored_Projects_2024[wiki page].", "old_state": 0 }, "id": 18011216, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2025-02-11T13:20:18.303283Z", "action": 2, "target": "Detalles de la Iniciativa Comunitaria", "old": "¿Qué son las Community Initiatives (Iniciativas de la Comunidad)?", "details": { "state": 20, "source": "Community Initiative Details", "old_state": 10 }, "id": 18011215, "action_name": "Translation changed", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2025-02-11T13:20:04.813772Z", "action": 5, "target": "8-12 meses", "old": "", "details": { "state": 20, "source": "8-12 months", "old_state": 0 }, "id": 18011214, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2025-02-11T13:19:54.871043Z", "action": 5, "target": "Período de tiempo", "old": "", "details": { "state": 20, "source": "Timeframe", "old_state": 0 }, "id": 18011213, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2025-02-11T13:19:25.265531Z", "action": 5, "target": "Jona Azizaj (link:{FWIKI}/User:Jonatoni[@jonatoni])", "old": "", "details": { "state": 20, "source": "Jona Azizaj (link:{FWIKI}/User:Jonatoni[@jonatoni])", "old_state": 0 }, "id": 18011212, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2025-02-11T13:19:18.481457Z", "action": 2, "target": "Patrocinador Ejecutivo", "old": "Patrocinadores Ejecutivos", "details": { "state": 20, "source": "Executive Sponsor", "old_state": 10 }, "id": 18011211, "action_name": "Translation changed", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2025-02-11T13:18:56.762733Z", "action": 5, "target": "Fernando Fernandez Mancera (link:{FWIKI}/User:ffmancera[@ffmancera]), Smera Goel (link:{FWIKI}/wiki/User:Smeragoel[@smeragoel])", "old": "", "details": { "state": 20, "source": "Fernando Fernandez Mancera (link:{FWIKI}/User:ffmancera[@ffmancera]), Smera Goel (link:{FWIKI}/wiki/User:Smeragoel[@smeragoel])", "old_state": 0 }, "id": 18011210, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2025-02-11T13:18:47.808212Z", "action": 2, "target": "Líderes de la Iniciativa de la Comunidad", "old": "¿Qué son las Community Initiatives (Iniciativas de la Comunidad)?", "details": { "state": 20, "source": "Community Initiative Leads", "old_state": 10 }, "id": 18011209, "action_name": "Translation changed", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2025-02-11T13:18:20.865659Z", "action": 5, "target": "Visualizamos un futuro en el que los mentores y los aprendices sepan lo que se espera de ellos al ingresar en un Fedora Mentored Project y tengan un proceso de incorporación fluido. Hay también una cultura de reconocimiento de todos los esfuerzos que ponen en que los proyectos tengan éxito.", "old": "", "details": { "state": 20, "source": "We envision a future where mentors and mentees know what is expected of them when entering a Fedora Mentored Project and have a smooth onboarding process. There is also a culture of recognition for all the effort they put into the projects to be successful.", "old_state": 0 }, "id": 18011208, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2025-02-11T13:18:06.319562Z", "action": 5, "target": "Objetivo", "old": "", "details": { "state": 20, "source": "Goal", "old_state": 0 }, "id": 18011207, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2025-02-11T13:17:56.118708Z", "action": 5, "target": "Iniciativa de Proyectos Tutelados", "old": "", "details": { "state": 20, "source": "Mentored Projects Initiative", "old_state": 0 }, "id": 18011206, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": "", "timestamp": "2025-02-07T01:01:10.144714Z", "action": 29, "target": "Dépendances sur de grandes choses tout en n’utilisant qu’une fraction des fonctionnalités — par exemple en exiger toute la pile Perl pour exécuter un seul script — ce script peut être réécrit en Python qui est partout, principalement à cause de la DNF", "old": "", "details": { "rejection_reason": "" }, "id": 18000537, "action_name": "Suggestion removed during cleanup", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": "", "timestamp": "2025-02-07T00:58:58.494786Z", "action": 29, "target": "Fonctionnalités", "old": "", "details": { "rejection_reason": "" }, "id": 18000536, "action_name": "Suggestion removed during cleanup", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": "", "timestamp": "2025-02-07T00:42:02.388613Z", "action": 29, "target": "**Polkit et mozjs60** — Expliquons ceci par une terrible analogie ! Polkit est cette charmante personne (0,5 Mo) qui sonne à votre porte et vous dit qu’elle va laver les fenêtres de votre maison. Après votre accord, ils sortent leur éléphant (mozjs60 30 Mo) et l’utilisent pour asperger vos fenêtres d’eau. Polkit fait entrer le mozjs60, qui est un paquet assez volumineux. Nous essayons donc de régler ce problème aussi.\n", "old": "", "details": { "rejection_reason": "" }, "id": 18000532, "action_name": "Suggestion removed during cleanup", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": "", "timestamp": "2025-02-07T00:42:02.297190Z", "action": 29, "target": "**initial-setup** — Si une image est construite sans utilisateurs, il doit y avoir un moyen d’ajouter un utilisateur au démarrage. initial-setup fait du bon travail, mais cela se fait au détriment de la taille. Il dépend des paquets anaconda-tui et anaconda-core. Ces deux paquets dépendent d’autres paquets, plutôt volumineux. Cela est le cas tant pour les images de l’IdO que pour les autres.\nNous n’avons pas de recommandation pour l’instant, mais nous y travaillons.\n", "old": "", "details": { "rejection_reason": "" }, "id": 18000531, "action_name": "Suggestion removed during cleanup", "url": "" }, { "unit": null, "component": "", "translation": null, "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2025-02-06T17:21:25.373723Z", "action": 53, "target": "", "old": "", "details": { "repos": [ "", "", "ssh://", "ssh://" ], "branch": "master", "repo_url": "", "full_name": "fedora-docs-l10n/project", "service_long_name": "Pagure" }, "id": 18000431, "action_name": "Repository notification received", "url": "" }, { "unit": null, "component": "", "translation": null, "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2025-02-06T17:21:25.354492Z", "action": 18, "target": "", "old": "", "details": {}, "id": 18000430, "action_name": "Changes pushed", "url": "" }, { "unit": null, "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2025-02-06T17:21:05.776414Z", "action": 17, "target": "", "old": "", "details": {}, "id": 18000429, "action_name": "Changes committed", "url": "" }, { "unit": null, "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2025-02-06T17:21:05.640659Z", "action": 17, "target": "", "old": "", "details": {}, "id": 18000428, "action_name": "Changes committed", "url": "" }, { "unit": null, "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2025-02-06T17:21:05.505896Z", "action": 17, "target": "", "old": "", "details": {}, "id": 18000427, "action_name": "Changes committed", "url": "" }, { "unit": null, "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2025-02-06T17:21:05.354247Z", "action": 17, "target": "", "old": "", "details": {}, "id": 18000426, "action_name": "Changes committed", "url": "" }, { "unit": null, "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2025-02-06T17:21:05.201667Z", "action": 17, "target": "", "old": "", "details": {}, "id": 18000425, "action_name": "Changes committed", "url": "" }, { "unit": null, "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2025-02-06T17:21:05.039841Z", "action": 17, "target": "", "old": "", "details": {}, "id": 18000424, "action_name": "Changes committed", "url": "" }, { "unit": null, "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2025-02-06T17:21:04.877584Z", "action": 17, "target": "", "old": "", "details": {}, "id": 18000423, "action_name": "Changes committed", "url": "" }, { "unit": null, "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2025-02-06T17:21:04.665216Z", "action": 17, "target": "", "old": "", "details": {}, "id": 18000422, "action_name": "Changes committed", "url": "" }, { "unit": null, "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2025-02-06T17:21:04.511445Z", "action": 17, "target": "", "old": "", "details": {}, "id": 18000421, "action_name": "Changes committed", "url": "" }, { "unit": null, "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2025-02-06T12:32:12.548219Z", "action": 1, "target": "", "old": "", "details": {}, "id": 18000337, "action_name": "Translation completed", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2025-02-06T12:32:12.501452Z", "action": 2, "target": "Nous pensons également que ces changements sont mieux développés en concertation directe avec les[communautés de logiciels en amont] dont le travail fait partie de la distribution Fedora. Nous travaillons avec les communautés en amont dans les cas où nous trouvons des opportunités d'amélioration, afin que tous les utilisateurs de logiciels libres en bénéficient - même s'ils n'utilisent pas Fedora directement. Le développement des fonctionnalités se fait toujours de manière ouverte et transparente, et tout le monde peut y participer.", "old": "Crediamo che questi cambiamenti siano meglio sviluppati di concerto diretto con le [comunità di software upstream] il cui lavoro fa parte della distribuzione Fedora. Lavoriamo con l'upstream nei casi in cui troviamo opportunità di miglioramento, quindi tutti gli utenti di software libero ne traggono beneficio, anche se non utilizzano direttamente Fedora . Lo sviluppo delle nostre funzionalità avviene sempre in modo aperto e trasparente e chiunque può partecipare.", "details": { "state": 20, "source": "We also believe that these changes are best developed in direct concert with the[upstream software communities] whose work is part of the Fedora distribution. We work with the upstream in cases where we find opportunities for improvement, so all free software users benefit — even if they don’t use Fedora directly. Our feature development is always done openly and transparently, and anyone may participate.", "old_state": 10 }, "id": 18000336, "action_name": "Translation changed", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2025-02-06T12:31:03.742091Z", "action": 5, "target": "Nous tenons à un logiciel d’excellence.", "old": "", "details": { "state": 20, "source": "We care about excellent software.", "old_state": 0 }, "id": 18000333, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2025-02-06T12:30:34.548438Z", "action": 2, "target": "image:divider-top-features.png[Quatres fondations: Fonctionnalités,title=\"Quatres fondations : Fonctionnalités\"]", "old": "immagine:divider-top-features.png[Quatres fondations: Fonctionnalités,title=\"Quatres fondations : Fonctionnalités\"]", "details": { "state": 20, "source": "image:divider-top-features.png[Four Foundations: Features,title=\"Four Foundations: Features\"]", "old_state": 20 }, "id": 18000332, "action_name": "Translation changed", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2025-02-06T12:30:19.124352Z", "action": 5, "target": "immagine:divider-top-features.png[Quatres fondations: Fonctionnalités,title=\"Quatres fondations : Fonctionnalités\"]", "old": "", "details": { "state": 20, "source": "image:divider-top-features.png[Four Foundations: Features,title=\"Four Foundations: Features\"]", "old_state": 0 }, "id": 18000331, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2025-02-06T12:29:29.473286Z", "action": 5, "target": "Fonctionnalités", "old": "", "details": { "state": 20, "source": "Features", "old_state": 0 }, "id": 18000330, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2025-02-06T12:29:29.470124Z", "action": 45, "target": "", "old": "", "details": {}, "id": 18000329, "action_name": "Contributor joined", "url": "" }, { "unit": null, "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2025-02-06T12:29:14.238368Z", "action": 1, "target": "", "old": "", "details": {}, "id": 18000328, "action_name": "Translation completed", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2025-02-06T12:29:14.204528Z", "action": 2, "target": "Le projet Fedora est un centre d’innovation pour les logiciels libres et open source. Dans notre communauté, des contributeurs de toutes sortes se rassemblent pour faire progresser l’écosystème au profit de tous. La communauté Fedora contribue tout ce qu’elle construit au monde libre et open source, et continue à faire des progrès significatifs pour la communauté au sens large, comme le prouve l’incorporation régulière et rapide de ses fonctionnalités dans d’autres distributions de Linux. Quelle que soit la distribution Linux que vous utilisez, vous vous appuyez sur le code développé dans le cadre du projet Fedora.", "old": "Le projet Fedora est un centre d’innovation pour les logiciels libres et open source. Dans notre communauté, des contributeurs de toutes sortes se rassemblent pour faire progresser l’écosystème au profit de tous. La communauté Fedora contribue tout ce qu’elle construit au monde libre et open source, et continue à faire des progrès significatifs pour la communauté au sens large, comme le prouve l’incorporation régulière et rapide de ses fonctionnalités dans d’autres distributions de Linux. Quelle que soit la distribution Linux que vous utilisez, vous vous appuyez sur le code développé dans le cadre du projet Fedora.", "details": { "state": 20, "source": "The Fedora Project is a center for innovation in free and open source software. In our community, contributors of all kinds come together to advance the ecosystem for the benefit of everyone. The Fedora community contributes everything it builds back to the free and open source world and continues to make advances of significance to the broader community, as evidenced by the regular and rapid incorporation of its features into other Linux distributions. Regardless of which Linux distribution you use, you are relying on code developed within the Fedora Project.", "old_state": 10 }, "id": 18000327, "action_name": "Translation changed", "url": "" }, { "unit": null, "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2025-02-06T12:28:57.904408Z", "action": 1, "target": "", "old": "", "details": {}, "id": 18000326, "action_name": "Translation completed", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2025-02-06T12:28:57.871431Z", "action": 5, "target": "Pour d’autres possibilités de parrainage, veuillez xref:council::contact.adoc[contacter Conseil de Fedora].", "old": "", "details": { "state": 20, "source": "If you are interested in other sponsorship possibilities, please xref:council::contact.adoc[contact the Fedora Council].", "old_state": 0 }, "id": 18000325, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2025-02-06T12:28:00.786751Z", "action": 5, "target": "Les entreprises peuvent également choisir de parrainer la conférence annuelle[Flock to Fedora] ou nos autres événements physiques ou à distance. Ces événements connectent notre communauté et alimentent la collaboration faisant fonctionner le projet Fedora. Les parrainages nous permettent de réunir des contributeurs du monde entier, y compris des personnes qui, autrement, n'auraient pas pu se joindre à nous. Contactez[] pour plus d’informations.", "old": "", "details": { "state": 20, "source": "Companies may also choose to sponsor the annual[Flock to Fedora conference] or our other in-person or virtual events. These events connect our community and power the collaboration that makes the Fedora Project work. Sponsorships allow us to bring together contributors from around the world — including people who might otherwise be unable to join. Contact[] for more information.", "old_state": 0 }, "id": 18000324, "action_name": "Translation added", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2025-02-06T12:28:00.783314Z", "action": 45, "target": "", "old": "", "details": {}, "id": 18000323, "action_name": "Contributor joined", "url": "" } ] }{ "count": 58460, "next": "